The intent of this Chapter is to establish pre-application, submittal, review and decision-making criteria involved in consideration of all new development proposals in Walton County.
Generally. No development activity may be undertaken, and no permit may be issued except as provided in the following subpart, unless and until the activity and permit:
Has been determined to be in conformance with all technical standards set forth in this Code, and
Has been authorized by a issuance of a final development order pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
Exceptions. A permit may be issued for the following development activities in the absence of a final development order issued pursuant to this Code provided that, unless otherwise specified in this Code, the development activity is in conformance with all requirements of this Code:
Development specifically exempted under Section 1.07.02 of this Code.
The construction or alteration of a one-family dwelling on a lot of record that existed prior to November 7, 1996. "Lot of record" shall mean an individual parcel of property that existed before November 7, 1996, which parcel has been documented by a subdivision plat, deed, agreement, map survey or other drawing recorded in the official public records of Walton County before November 7, 1996. All such development must be consistent with the other provisions of this Code and the Comprehensive Plan, including concurrency requirements.
The alteration of an existing building or structure, so long as no change is made to its gross floor area, its use, or the amount of impervious surface on the site.
The resurfacing of an existing vehicular use area that conforms to all requirements of this Code.
A minor lot shift, lot split or lot fusion granted pursuant to the requirements and procedures set forth in this Code.
Temporary uses or structures.
The division of tracts of rural land into parcels often acres or more and consisting of no more than 20 parcels and does not involve new roadways.
Expedited Permitting and Review. All permit requests for workforce/affordable housing projects shall be processed in an expedited manner. The County shall give preference to the review of applications for permit approval for development of affordable housing projects over all other projects requiring the development review process.
Intergovernmental Review. Should a proposed development impact adjacent jurisdiction(s), as determined by the Director of Planning and Development Services, the impacted jurisdiction(s) shall be notified in writing of the proposed development and given an opportunity to identify specific issues of concern. Such correspondence shall be submitted, along with the Director of Planning and Zoning's recommendation, to the appropriate Board approving such development action.
Environmental Assessment Required. Addressing wetlands, listed species, archaeological/cultural/historical resources, hazardous materials, and vegetative communities is required for all Less than Minor, Minor and Major Development Plans unless waived during the pre-application conference due to site conditions such as redevelopment of a previously developed site or lack of environmental features. The Planning Director may require an environmental assessment for any development if necessary to determine whether or not the provisions of this Code related to environmental resources are being met.
Architectural Elevations Required. Of all sides of each building other than one- and two-family dwelling units unless otherwise required by this Code.
Landscape Plans Required. For all Less than Minor (if applicable), Minor and Major Development Plans. Each application shall include information relating to and drawing(s) depicting proposed landscaping and grading for the development site, which shall indicate:
Location and dimensions of proposed buffer zones and landscaped areas, including buffer zones adjoining shorelines;
Description of plant materials existing and to be planted in buffer zones and landscaped areas;
Grading plans, specifically including perimeter grading; and
The percentage of land surface that is covered by native vegetation and the percentage of native vegetation that will be removed by the proposed development.
Topographic Survey and Current Condition Information Required. For all Less than Minor (if applicable). Minor and Major Development Plans. Topographic surveys for proposed subdivisions which have lots of four acres or more may show contours at ten-foot intervals. In addition, the location of existing or previously platted streets, railroads, and utility rights-of-way, and infrastructure.
Floodplain Data Required:
For all Less than Minor (if applicable), Minor and Major Development Plans the 100-year flood elevation, and minimum required floor elevations if applicable, from current FEMA maps.
The boundaries of the 100-year floodplain for all parts of the proposed development.
A depiction of existing surface water bodies, wetlands, streams, and canals, within the proposed development site, which depiction shall include the boundaries and elevations of any jurisdictional wetland(s).
Each application shall include information relating to and drawing(s) depicting flood information, which shall indicate:
Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the proposed lowest floor (including basement) of each structure;
Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any nonresidential structure will be floodproofed;
Certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that each nonresidential floodproofed structure will meet the floodproofing criteria provided in this Code; and
A description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development.
Transportation, Internal Circulation, Lighting and Utilities Plans Required. For all Less than Minor (when applicable), Minor and Major Development Plans. This shall include the layout of all streets, multi-modal paths, sidewalks, parking/loading, and driveways and shall provide an analysis of the developments access points in relation to other existing access points and developments. In addition each application shall provide the location of the nearest available public water and wastewater supply and the proposed connection, or an explanation of alternative systems proposed to be used. The location and design of all site lighting shall also be provided, guidance on preparation of a wildlife compliant lighting plan shall be available in the Planning and Development Services Department.
Covenants, Easements, and Dedications Required. Each Minor and Major Development Plan application shall include information relating to, and drawing(s) depicting (where appropriate), proposed covenants, easements and dedications applicable to the proposed development, which shall indicate:
Location of all land to be dedicated or reserved for all public and private uses including rights-of-way, easements, special reservations, and the like;
Restrictive covenants which reflect restrictions pertaining to the type and use of existing or proposed improvements, waterways, open spaces, building lines, buffer strips and walls, and other restrictions of similar nature, and which shall be submitted with the final development plan for recordation.
Concurrency Required. Each Less than Minor (if applicable), Minor, and Major Development Plan application shall include all documentation prescribed pursuant to Chapter 3 relating to the review for concurrency.
Developer's Assurance and Guarantee of Completion of Improvements. As part of the developer's duty of assuring that all improvements required in connection with the proposed development are satisfactorily constructed according to the approved development plan, the following shall be provided with each application for approval of a development plan:
Agreement that all improvements, whether required by this Code or constructed at the developer's option, shall be constructed and completed in accordance with the standards and provisions of this Code within a specific timeframe set out in such agreement. Timeframe may be either: completion of all improvements by the date of full completion of the development and final inspection of the development, where the project is not long-term; or completion of particular improvements by specific dates which are set out in the agreement, where the project is long-term in nature. No timeframe for completion of improvements shall exceed five years from the recording of the plat or 30 percent occupancy of the development, whichever comes first.
The projected total cost for each improvement. Cost for construction shall be determined by either of the following:
Estimate prepared and provided by the applicant's engineer;
The executed construction contract as to the improvement, a copy of which shall be provided; or
Estimate prepared by the County engineer.
Specification of the public improvements to be made and dedicated, together with the timetable for making improvements. Specification of the amount and means by which security in relation to the developer's guarantee of completion of the improvements shall be provided by the developer to the County; and
Agreement that upon failure of the applicant to complete, or to cause to be completed, the required improvements according to the schedule for making those improvements, the County shall utilize the security provided by the developer in connection with the agreement and guarantee.
Additional Information. The Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning may, as required by special circumstances in the determination of the Director, require the submission of any other documentation and information relating to a proposed development project which the Director deems to be reasonably necessary to insure satisfactory review under the requirements of this Code and other applicable law.
(Ord. No. 2018-21, § II(Att. A), 9-11-18)