When we talk about playing a role, we refer to one of the most important languages of theater, film and other arts that require the participation of actors on stage.
We could not fail to dedicate to it a selection of books on acting in PDF format, revealing the importance as well as the essential points of this subject that we know will have many interested parties.
With our collection of acting books you will understand that it is an essential aspect of making the magic of theater, film and television a reality. We also want you to learn theoretical and technical elements of what can become an extraordinary professional career.
The first actor in history was the Greek Thespis. This was possible because he was the first to dialogue in the first person on stage with the chorus, in the festivities of worship to the god Dionysus. Before Thespis, dialogue was traditionally done in the third person.
However, acting as a profession did not emerge until the 16th century in Italy, thanks to the first artistic troupes that were protected by Queen Isabella during her noble rule. Since then, it has become one of the most interesting professions in the world, as those who excel in this field can become very famous and wealthy.
Actors bring characters to life through interpretation. They give them a voice to identify with, as well as a series of elements necessary to carry out such an interesting profession. So, let’s look at the main characteristics of this great profession:
Explore more on this interesting subject by checking out the more than 15 acting books in PDF format and enjoy learning with the best content.