St lucia health and safety act

There are a number of Statutory Instruments governing the public safety at gatherings, meetings or events.
It is incumbent on planners and sponsors of gatherings, meetings or events to ensure that there is compliance.

  1. Ascertaining whether there is or has been on or in connection with any premises any contravention of the provisions of this Act or any regulations thereunder.
  2. Ascertaining whether or not circumstances exist which would authorise or require the Minister to take any action or execute any work under this Act or any regulations thereunder.
  3. Taking any action or executing any work authorised or required to be taken or executed under this Act.
  4. Generally for examining and inspecting such premises and for the purpose of performance by the Minister, Chief Medical Officer, a medical officer of health or any person acting under the authority of any of them of their functions under this Act or any regulations made thereunder.
  1. prior to the gathering, meeting or event, submit a waste management plan to the Authority for review and approval; and
  2. supply sufficient litter bins for the gathering, meeting or event, and shall ensure that all litter on the site is properly collected and disposed at an approved landfill site within twenty-four hours of the gathering, meeting or event.

(3) In addition to the penalty under subsection (2) an organisor shall be liable to not more than three months of community service as the court may order.

Foreign National and Commonwealth Citizens (Employment) Act Chapter 16.13 Rev Laws of Saint Lucia 2001
S3 (1) A Foreign National shall not
(a) engage in any occupation in Saint Lucia for reward or profit; or
(b) be employed in Saint Lucia unless there is in force in relation to him or her a valid work permit or he or she engages or is so employed in accordance with the terms and conditions which may be specified in the permit.

Education Act No. 41 of 1999
S139 -- Every Teacher in a public school and an assisted school shall � perform assigned duties as outlined in the school emergency plan developed by the school administration and the teachers to protect the health and safety of students.

Electricity Regulations No. 3 of 1995
S7. Notification of addition or alteration to installation. Every wireman, before commencing any work by way of addition or alteration to an installation which has been completed and for which a certificate of approval under these has been issued or which was commenced prior to the coming into force of these Regulations shall notify the Inspector on the prescribed Form C of the nature of such proposed addition or alteration. The owner or occupier of the installation shall on completion of the work make application to the prescribed Form E for an inspection of the installation and it shall be inspected within a reasonable time of receipt of the owner�s or occupier�s completed application for inspection.

S.8 Inspection certificate of approval on completion of new
(1) It shall not be lawful to connect or operate and new installation or any extension or replacement of any existing installation connected to any public supply unless a certificate in the prescribed Form F is obtained.
(2) Prior to the connection of an installation in any building to the Supply Authority�s distribution and service lines circuits, such installations shall be inspected and tested by the Electrical Inspector in accordance with regulation 4 and on being satisfied that the requirements that have been met, the Inspector shall issue a certificate in the prescribed Form F to the owner or occupier of such building.

S.9 Inspection certificate of approval on completion of addition, alteration etc. to any old installation. It shall not be lawful to operate any electrical installation or any extension thereto or replacement therefore connected after the coming into force of these Regulations without having the same duly inspected and before the issue of the relevant certificate of approval.

Employees [Occupational Health and Safety] Act No. 10 of 1985
Part II Section 3 Subsection D -- Every employer shall � provide information, training and supervision necessary to ensure the protection of his employees against risk of accident and injury to health arising from their employment.

Part III Section 15 � There shall be provided and maintained in every place of employment first aid boxes or cupboards equipped with the prescribed contents so as to be readily accessible during all working hours.

  1. to enter an examine at reasonable times any building for the purpose of ascertaining the nature of the building, the availability of a water supply to the building, the means of ingress and egress from the building for the purposes of determining the means of danger in case of fire for persons employed therein, and such other material circumstances;

S6. An owner of an industrial or commercial building shall make application in the prescribed form to the Chief Fire Officer for a certificate in respect of that building.

S10. It shall be the duty of every owner of an industrial or commercial building to cause all means of escape specified in the certificate to be properly maintained and kept free from obstruction.