CT State Community College Nursing

Graduates earn an Associate in Science in Nursing and are eligible to take the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses.

About the Program

4 Semesters, 72 Credits

A 4-semester, 72 credit program awarding an Associate in Science Degree. Graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and can apply for licensure through the CT Department of Public Health. How to Apply Info Packet 2025-26

Choose from 6 Locations

Program Accreditation & Approval

All programs are approved by the Connecticut State Board of Examiners for Nursing with the consent of the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Public Health. Each program within the CT-CCNP approaches national accreditation through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, ACEN, located at 3390 PEACHTREE RD NE, SUITE 1400, ATLANTA, GA 30326; Phone: 404-975-5000, Fax: 404-975-5020, Email: info@acenursing.org. Information about the accreditation status of each program can be found on the individual college and ACEN websites.


One measure of student success is the National Council Licensing Exam-RN (NCLEX-RN) pass rate. The pass rate among all of our test-takers, over a five year period, is listed below. The National Mean is reported by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, for the calendar year represented.

YearNCLEX-RN Pass RatesCT-CCNPNational Mean
2023May 1, 2023- April 30, 2024 (CT STATE) 96.92%(National) 87.75%
2022May 1, 2022- April 30, 2023(CT CCNP) 83.96%(National) 77.91%
2021May 1, 2021 - April 30, 202286.96%78.78%
2020May 1, 2020 - April 30, 202183.80%82.80%
2019May 1, 2019 - April 30, 202090.37%85.17%

How to Apply Open All +

The application period for the nursing program is October 1 - February 1 each year.

General Application

View Admission Requirements

Applicants with an LPN License

LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) Applicant Instructions

The Connecticut Community College Nursing Program (CT-CCNP) participates in the Connecticut League for Nursing Articulation Model for Nursing Education Mobility for LPN's. To be eligible for articulation, the LPN must:

If admitted, LPN candidates will be advised as to their placement within the CT-CCNP. For an LPN to begin the program in the third semester (NUR*2220C), the following requirements must be met:

Students must attain a final grade of 74% (C) in NUR*1150 to be eligible to take NUR*1152C and to qualify for advance placement into the third semester of the CT-CCNP (NUR*2220C). Students who are unsuccessful in either NUR*1150 or NUR*1152C are not eligible to advance place into NUR*2220C. Students who select the advanced placement option will not be eligible to enter NUR*1120C if unsuccessful in either NUR*1150 or NUR*1152C.

External Transfer Students

What is an External Transfer Student?

An external transfer nursing student is defined as a student who has successfully completed one or more nursing courses within the last 18 months at a program outside of the Connecticut Community College system, and wishes to transfer in these courses for advanced placement. Students who wish to transfer nursing courses with a clinical component from another college or university will be considered for transfer after the following requirements have been met:

External transfers will be considered on a space-available basis. External applicants are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with a selective admissions specialist prior to applying:

Twenty-five percent (25%) of the total credits applicable to the nursing degree must be granted by the college awarding the degree. No more than thirty credit hours of non-traditional credit may count towards the nursing degree. Nontraditional credit includes CLEP, DSST, Challenge Exams, Military Service Schools, and Assessment of Prior Learning.

Transfer Credits

Transfer credit evaluation for nursing applicants is done by the College of Choice.

Transfer Grades

Grades from colleges not regionally accredited will not be accepted in transfer. A minimum grade of "C" is required unless otherwise noted by the admission requirements. A grade of C+ will be determined when the college does not use plus (+) and minus (-) by having the student be responsible for providing the proof that the grade is a C+. A numerical grade of 77-79 will be considered a C+.



Questions about the admissions process for Nursing? Contact us at ctstate-selectiveadmissions@ct.edu